Book Of Revelation (pt. 4)- The Two Witnesses

Book Of Revelation (pt. 4)- The Two Witnesses

Hey! Happy to see you, I hope you’re having a great day. My name doesn’t really matter, all you have to know is that I am your free, private detective.

I explain more about how I got out from depression by understanding a Secret that the people behind the wheels of society have been keeping from us. You can read it here.

If you've gone through the previous parts of this blog, you know that the world we live in is not at all what it seems.

So if you haven't, please go through them, it will blow your mind...

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32

Congratulations, if you've been going through this entire blog, you now have a better understanding of the world we live in.

This part is all about showing you the signs that we are in the end times, and giving you strategies for facing these events without fear but always faith in our FATHER IN HEAVEN & OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

Yes, I know it might be frightening & seem crazy, but the world as we know it, is coming to an end & nothing will stop it, it's BIBLE Prophecy & just the way things were supposed to end from the beginning.

This blog was meant for you to find the kind of freedom I've found, free from depression, alcoholism & other terrible stuff by surrendering to our Savior JESUS CHRIST, & being humble enough to repent, seek OUR FATHER & to recognize that I knew nothing.

I pray that you go through the same process of understanding & that this blog helps you. Be blessed, and never fear anything.

Our FATHER told us not to fear for a reason, JESUS already won the fight, now all we have to do is stand still, spread the Good News to as many lost souls as we can because after seeing testimonies of hell, I wouldn't wish it on ANYONE.

Let's pray that no matter the day we leave this world, we will be worthy of living with OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, for eternity.

I pray that you put OUR FATHER's will above anything that you may be going through. You're not alone. You can reach me on insta if you need anything, even if it's to insult me about the content of this blog, I won't mind, I will keep you in my prayers.

Be blessed, I really pray that we will see each other one day, in HEAVEN. Amen.

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